For extreme terrain, Apex controls and 1x
cranksets can be paired with Eagle rear
derailleurs: Apex AXS can be paired with
Eagle AXS derailleurs and Apex mechanical
shifters can be pared with Apex Eagle rear
derailleurs, Eagle 11-50T, 10-50T, or 10-52T
cassette, and Eagle chain for a super wide 1x
gearing. We call this a “Mullet” configuration.
The Apex XPLR AXS and Apex XPLR
mechanical systems are a 1x 12-speed
drivetrain that comes with a 44T max rear
derailleur. The Apex XPLR AXS rear derailleur
is designed specifically for 1x and will work
with 11-44T, 10-44T, and 10-36T cassettes
only. The Apex XPLR mechanical rear
derailleur is compatible with 11-44T and
10-44T cassettes.
Apex offers a 1x wide crankset with direct
mount style chainrings in 38T, 40T, and 42T.