Follow the steps below to learn how AXS battery levels are displayed and monitored using the component LED and SRAM AXS App.
Every AXS component uses a battery that is monitored with the LED or the SRAM AXS App. Both methods represent battery status as; Good, Low, and Critically Low.
Component LED – The component LED will flash when the AXS button is pressed for two seconds or less. The color of the LED indicates the component's battery status. A green LED indicates Good, a red LED indicates Low, and a rapidly flashing red LED indicates Critically Low. A Red/Green flashing LED indicates a rejected shift and is unrelated to battery status.
SRAM AXS App – The AXS App displays the component battery status whenever it's connected. Battery charge is displayed in the form of a ring around the component icon.
A green ring indicates good charge level:
Two red segments indicate low charge:
And 1 red segment indicates critically low charge:
Tech Tip: AXS Batteries charge from fully depleted to fully charged in approximately one hour. If your battery is low, a quick fifteen minutes on the charger while getting ready or driving to the trailhead might be all you need.
*Additional battery status information is found in the LED and Battery Overview section of AXS System manuals. Search the product's name or serial number on the SRAM Service Hub to locate this and view your groupset's information.
1) Open the AXS App. Ensure Bluetooth is enabled and you have a cellular or Wi-Fi connection.
2) Select the Bike Profile of the bike you are using. Wake the system's primary component by lightly bouncing, shaking your bicycle, or pressing the AXS button of your derailleur.
Getting stuck? If a primary component does not wake from moving your bike, press its AXS button for two seconds or less. If this doesn't work, place the battery on the AXS charger until full. Then, try again.
3) The battery status of every component in a paired system is displayed when the primary component connects. Exit the AXS app if you are finished.
4) Power meters, AirWiz and TyreWiz must be connected separately. Wake the sensor(s) installed on your bike to view their battery status. Exit the AXS App when finished.
Tech Tip: If a component no longer shifts or actuates following an AXS App interaction, complete the System Pairing process.